Infographic – How to keep yourself accountable

Humans are social animals and it is a fact that we get bigger and better things done when working as a team, compared to going it alone.

This is why we at Eat, Move, Be Happy always encourage people to team up with others when trying to live healthier, happier, better lives.

Having someone there to keep yourself accountable means:

  • You are more likely to start changes.
  • You are more likely to stick to deadlines.
  • You are more likely to be honest.
  • You are less likely to procrastinate and leave things until “tomorrow”.
  • You are less likely to give up.

While having someone there to keep you accountable is important, but equally important is using that person properly. We created the following infographic to help you find the right person and get the most from them…

How to stay accountable
How to stay accountable

Putting it into practice

If you want help putting things like this into practice, why not enrol on one of our programmes. Covering a variety of topics, we coach you through the process and get you the results you are after. Click below to see what we have to offer…