Wellbeing Coaching Coursework

Welcome to the Wellbeing Coaching! Here you will find all the resources you need for the Wellbeing Coaching. You will get an email at the start of the coaching with the details of the Zoom link to the meeting, so we can go through the coursework in detail. See you soon!

Click below to see all the slides we will be working through over the next 3 weeks.

Other Resources

Your Wellness Measure

Create your Wellbeing Plan

Stress Container Activity

Facts about sleep

Useful Reading

Why Greater Awareness is Essential for your Wellbeing

Sleeping Well

What is Sleep All About?

Look After Your Wellbeing and Build Your Resilience

It’s OK to be Selfish


Click here to let us know what you thought of this programme and how we can improve in the future.


Click here to let us know what you thought of this programme and how we can improve in the future.

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Join the Eat, Move, Be Happy Facebook Group.